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About Southern Lights

Southern Lights Co-op opened in May of 1995 with 43 units, consisting of 26 one-bedroom units, 15 two-bedroom units, and 2 accessible units, and has remained at capacity ever since.  It is one of the last Co-ops in the GHCHF to be built under the Harris government.  It is one of the many members of the GHF.


Southern Lights has now been downloaded to the Municipality of Hamilton.  Different ethnic and religious groups are well represented.  The members for the most part work well together, keeping the building and grounds the envy of the area.


Co-operatives are a mixture of market rent and rent-to-geared-income units.


The Board and various committees are very conscious of the importance of maintaining a community within the complex, and all groups work hard to make newcomers feel welcome.


The work of the committees are an essential and important part of the proper function and growth of a Co-op.  At the moment the only committees that are up and running are our Board of Directors, Marketing , and the Unit Inspection  Committees, but if anyone is interested in starting up another committee, - the Social, Gardening, Newsletter, and Fire Team,  are available.


The first floor is home to a small lending library which is open to all members, and a laundry room.  Also on the first floor is a Common Room with a fully equipped kitchen, which is available to members for activities such as birthdays, showers, anniversaries, etc.  When using the Common Room, children cannot be left unattended, an adult must be with them at all times.  Also please clean up after yourselves after using the room, and leave it clean and tidy


We have an enclosed courtyard/playground for you and your children to enjoy, again, children cannot be left unattended, an adult must be with them at all times.

We ask that you please pick up the toys your children play with when finished.


On each floor there is a garbage chute room.  This for small bags only.  If you have big bags please take them down and put them into the garbage compactor, so as not to jam up the chute.


It is mandatory that you MUST attend all  Members' General Meetings, which are held approximately 2 or 3 per year.


The unit is given to you and you only.  If at any time you plan to have someone stay with you, you must notify the office in writing, requesting permission to have a guest.


This is a secure building, and for your own security, you MUST NOT let anyone in that you don't know.  Just explain to them that you are not allowed to let them in, and that they must buzz the person they came to see to let them in, and then close the door behind you.


One parking spot is allotted to each unit.  If you have more than one vehicle, then you must find other places to park.  Visitors must park in the visitors lot.


 It is a law that ALL members are to have tenant insurance, and to be able to have proof of same taken to the office.


We are a recycling Co-op.  The blue bins are for recycling, and the green bins for the compost.  All recycling bins are labelled as to what to throw in them.  All large cardboard boxes and pizza boxes must be cut down to size, and all cereal, kleenex, and other small boxes must be flattened. The blue and green bins and garbage compactor are all in the garbage room. 


If you have any issues with your neighbour, you must first try to resolve it with them.  If issues still exist, then you must fill in the complaint form and submit it to the office.


Please inform your family and friends that they must not sit in their car and honk their horn for you to come down, please have them come in and buzz you.  We have members working shifts who need their sleep.


In the unit you will find a white binder with our By-Laws, Procedures and Policies, which must be adhered to.  Please familiarize yourself with their contents.


You must be willing to accept the responsibilities of living in a Co-op,  If you are accepted as a member, a unit will be offered to you.


One important By-Law is our Pet Bylaw#25 which consists of:-


1.  Pets must be identified and registered with the Co-op.  The Co-op retains the right to determine suitability of a pet as per the By-Law.   This determination will be made by the Board of Directors, or their delegate.


2.  Members are subject to all City By-Laws regarding pets.


3.  You are allowed 1 dog or 2 indoor cats, or 1 dog and 1 indoor cat, in addition   to 2 small caged animals, such as hamsters or birds.


4.  All cats must be indoor only, and litter box trained.    


5.  All pets must be restrained when not in the member's unit, indoors, and in common areas.  Pets are not allowed in the common areas except the following  -  hallways or elevator.


6.  Pets are not allowed in the courtyard or grassy areas on Co-op property.


7.  Dogs shall be muzzled or held in the arms of their owner while riding in the elevator.


8.  Members are responsible for any pet-caused damage in units.


9.  Balconies shall not be used to bathe animals, nor be allowed to eliminate on the balconies.


10.  NO exotic pets are allowed.





We are on a major bus route, and Mohawk Sports Park is across the street, including the old CNR railway tracks walking trail.


We have 2 schools nearby;-


Public Schools                                                     Separate Schools

Elementary: - Lisgar                                            St. Daniels



Secondary:  -   Barton                                         St. Jean de Brebeuf

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